The New Literacy

The show “New Literacy” is a project developed by Cluj IT Cluster together with Stirile Transilvaniei which aims to bring to the general public issues in the field of digitization and the digital transformation process to meet the needs of digital education in the community, with contributions from experts and IT industry specialists.

Noua Alfabetizare: Inteligența Artificială – studii de caz și aspecte etice

Continuing the topic of Artificial Intelligence initiated during May’s edition of the show, we took the time to go more in depth on subjects such as the impact of AI on digital transfromation of public administration services, Challenge Accepted PaperHack 2021; policies of the European Union on artificial intelligence; ethical issues regarding the use of AI and, of course, case studies for the use of AI in business.

Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei

Invited guests:
Stelian Brad, Expert in training and implementing lifelong learning programs and President of Cluj IT

Dan Zaharia, Organizer of Challenge Accepted PaperHack 2021, The Informal School of IT

Radu Orghidan, Vicepresident, Cognitive Computing, Endava Romania

Marin Iuga, Coordinator of the Data Intelligence Working Group, active in the Cluj IT cluster and member of the Artificial Intelligence Working Group launched by the European Digital SME Alliance and the European Commission.

Cluj, a HUB of artificial intelligence in Romania


The May edition of the NEW LITERACY show was dedicated to the first general conclusions of Cluj Innovation Days 2021 conference, extending towards the subject of Artificial Intelligence and positioning of Cluj as a AI hub in Romania. Covering subjects such as conclusions of the two AI dedicated sessions within Cluj Innovation Days 2021, the adoption of the Data Intelligence Act at European level, as well as the need of SMEs to prepare for changes in the local business environment, opportunities for learning and specialization at company level.



Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei

Invited guests:
Stelian Brad, Expert in training and implementing lifelong learning programs and President of Cluj IT

Anca Goron, AI Expert and Innovation Ecosystem Expert within DIH4Society

Marin Iuga, Coordinator of the Data Intelligence Working Group, active in the Cluj IT cluster and member of the Artificial Intelligence Working Group launched by the European Digital SME Alliance and the European Commission.

About the green economy and sustainability


Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei

Invited guests:

Radu Rujan, Manager, Asociatia Patronilor si Meseriasilor Cluj
Andrei Kelemen, CEO, Cluj IT Cluster
Oana Buzatu, Cluj-Napoca Municipality

How will we work in the future? Part II


Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei

Invited guests:

Prof. Petru Curseu – university professor and researcher in the field of social and organizational psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Mr. Alexandru Tulai – Expert in the field of organizational change management, Cluj IT Cluster

How will we work in the future?

New technologies and the employee-employer relationship


Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei

Invited guests:

Prof. Petru Curseu – university professor and researcher in the field of social and organizational psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Ms. Georgiana Ciceo, Entrepreneur and Founding Partner of ZAIN Expressions

Mr. Alexandru Tulai – Expert in the field of organizational change management, Cluj IT Cluster

Cybersecurity in SMEs 


Moderator: Mr. Andrei Nistor, Chief Editor at Stirile Transilvaniei 

Invited guests:

Ms. Vernonica Mihaiu,  Technical Team Lead at Cyber Threat Defense (SIVLER member)

Mr. Ciprian Oprișa – Cheif of Works at

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (University Member)
Mr. Valentin Necoară, Chief Technology Officer at
certSIGN (GOLD member)
Mr. Adrian Colesa, Lecturer at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (University Member)