Am întâlnit de (prea) multe ori, în mediul managerial, dar și în cel academic, aproape în exclusivitate, o înțelegere deformată, zic eu, a ceea ce reprezintă comunicarea: ea este văzută ca un scop în sine. La întrebarea „Care este cel mai important proces dintr-o...
About change, episode 6: About Management & Culture
I have encountered (too) many times, throughout the managerial world but also in the academic one, a distorted misunderstanding, I suggest, of what communication represents: it is seen as an end in itself. To the question “What is the most important process in an...
Despre schimbare, episodul 5: Despre context și modele
Ca decidenți în organizație, interesați major de sustenabilitatea ei, ne place sau nu, în final revenim constant la aceeași problemă – performața sistematică a organizației, dincolo de eventualele conjuncturi social-economice, și modul în care putem să o stimulăm. Tot...
About change, Episode 5: About context and models
As decision-makers in the organization, majorly interested in its sustainability, wether we like it or not, we finally have to return to the same problem - the systematic performance of the organization, beyond the existing social-economic conditions, and how we can...
About change, Episode 4: On Heroism and Complicity
In this article, I will address a topic very often met in companies and that greatly impacts the atmosphere in an organisation: a character which I define as Hero. At the beginning of his life-cycle there is a positive effect and a growing profile, both ...
About change, Episode 3: About the effect of imposture and hypocrisy
Dear Christian, I am pleased to observe that, through this correspondence, a consistent discussion regarding the difficult issues that slow down organizational development / transformation begins to take shape. I am referring to the one that generates sustainability....
About change, Episode 2: Organisational epistemology
Dear Sandu, I had the greater joy, being able to be there for you and help you find the best role to open the possibility to do much more. As the artists understood long before engineers, once created, the artworks come to their own life, independent of the artist’s...
About change, Episode 1: About Trust and Imposture
Dear Christian, The opportunity of working together again, after many years, made me feel a great joy especially because this time the subject of our common approach was an organisational transformation. A transformation meant to place your company, otherwise stable...
Despre schimbare, Lansare: Al doilea secol românesc sau despre schimbarea necesară
Alexandru Tulai, Vicepreședinte Cluj IT Cluster Pe data de 2 decembrie 2018, la o zi după sărbătoarea centenarului Unirii, am inițiat un proiect strategic constând într-o serie de articole și evenimente care să constituie cadrul adecvat dezvoltării regiunii noastre,...