Strengthening Cluster Innovation and visibility in Hungary:
A Step Toward Global Leadership

The Cluj IT team participated in a groundbreaking peer review event in Budapest on November 14–15, 2024, which brought together Quadruple Helix stakeholders to strengthen clusters and enhance the value they provide to their members. Titled “Improving the Cooperation of Clusters with the Participants of the Hungarian Quadruple Helix,” the event was hosted by MediKlaszter and the Lithuanian Innovation Centre in collaboration with international experts. It highlighted the critical importance of fostering collaboration among key stakeholders and exemplified the critical role of Quadruple Helix collaboration in driving cluster innovation and enhancing visibility.
Key Outcomes and Strategic Insights
The event facilitated a comprehensive exchange among representatives from clusters, government entities, universities, and research institutions, focusing on:
- Sustainable Co-Creation Platforms: Building collaborative frameworks to address fragmentation and drive competitiveness.
- Policy Alignment: Strengthening coordination between governmental and regional bodies to enhance innovation capacity.
- Health Cluster Collaboration: Encouraging synergy between government, academia, industry, and communities to advance healthcare innovation.
Expert Insight
Laviniu Chis, Innovation Manager at CLUJ IT, encapsulated the event’s core message:
“Beyond the ambition of uniting all regional innovators, it is vital to empower life science innovators to improve the health and longevity of the population in our regions.”
The Needs for Consortium Partners
Successful innovation ecosystems rely on diverse partnerships across countries. Collaboration within the Quadruple Helix framework—government providing policy support, academia driving research, industry delivering solutions, and communities offering real-world insights—is crucial to overcoming systemic barriers. Events like this peer review emphasize the need for international consortium partners to share expertise, resources, and best practices, fostering innovation that benefits all stakeholders.
Explore More
For event highlights, access the summary – Here
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Apel de idei I3HIES
Programul sprijină cel puțin 35 de idei de afaceri care oferă soluții pentru regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate din Uniunea Europeană. Apelul este deschis pentru aplicanții din partea IMM-urilor individuale, startup-urilor, persoanelor fizice sau a echipelor (persoane fizice), cu condiția ca solicitanții să provină din regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate ale UE. Ideile de afaceri eligibile trebuie să fie în intervalul TRL 1-4 (Nivelul de Pregătire Tehnologică).
Domenii vizate:
● echipamente de urgență sau în direcția respectării conformității cu reglementările privind disponzitivele medicale la nivel European (EU MDR)?
● dispozitive medicale
Servicii și beneficii:
- validarea ideilor;
- dezvoltarea și validarea de mini planurilor de afaceri;
- orientare pentru îmbunătățiri;
- pregătirea pentru prezentarea ideii;
- planificarea investițiilor;
- consolidarea capacității investițiilor interregionale și dezvoltarea de proiecte colaborative;
- IMM-uri individuale, startup-uri, persoane fizice sau echipe formate din persoane fizice.
- Solicitanții trebuie să provină din/sau să colaboreze cu Actori din regiuni mai puțin dezvoltate ale Uniunii Europene.
- Ideea de afaceri ar trebui să se încadreze între TRL 1-4.
Termen limită:
Termenul limită pentru depunerea aplicațiilor este 15 Decembrie 2024, la ora 17:00 CET
Mai multe informații sunt disponibile pe pagina apelului de proiect.

Webinar on funding instruments
29.07.2024 / 10:00 – 14:00 EEST
About the webinar:
This workshop, organised by Cluj IT within the I3HIES project, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various financing instruments available to support innovation and development projects. Scheduled to take place on the 29th of July via ZOOM from 10:00 to 14:00 EEST, the workshop is designed to cater to a diverse audience, including researchers, SMEs, startups, academic institutions, and public and private sector organisations.
Following the introductions, the workshop will delve into a detailed overview of the various funding opportunities available for the health sector. This section will focus on three primary financing instruments: I3, Horizon Europe, and EIT Health. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of each instrument, including their specific objectives, eligibility criteria, and application processes.
The I3 instrument, integral to the I3HIES project, aims to support innovation and industrial competitiveness through targeted funding. Attendees will learn how I3 facilitates the development of groundbreaking health solutions and the integration of innovative technologies into healthcare systems.
This workshop promises to be an invaluable experience for all attendees, providing them with the essential tools and knowledge to successfully navigate the landscape of public funding in the health sector.
● Introduction and participants’ presentation
● Overview of the funding opportunities for the health sector with focus on i3, Horizont Europe, EIT Health
● Q&A
● Break
● Health Project Partnering workshop on Miro
● Closing remarks
About the facilitator:
Laviniu Chis is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship, helping businesses achieve their full potential by creating innovative solutions and exceptional teams. Laviniu has 15 years + experience in working with startups and 12 years + of entrepreneurship.
During this time he worked with over 1000 founders and startups teaching them the lean startup way, helping them starting a business, achieving product market fit and securing well over 50 million euros in private and public funding. Currently he own 4 companies in consulting, retail, training and software development and I launched the Startup LaunchPad.
Study visit Lithuania
Insights into Lithuanian innovation health ecosystem
Study visit, 10-12th of June 2024, Vilnius, I3HIES project partners
The I3HIES project, dedicated to boost interregional innovation investment and cooperation among health innovation ecosystems, recently included a study visit in Lithuania, hosted by Lithuanian Innovation Centre. This visit highlighted the project’s commitment to transform the healthcare sector through enhanced international collaboration and focused innovation. The consortium, consisting of nine partners from Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia, aims to address critical areas within the health sector, including medical devices, emergency equipment, and Medical Device Regulation (MDR) compliance. It was 3-days of intensive experience of visiting organisations & innovation actors, contributing to Lithuanian innovation health ecosystem.
SMART Health DIH, a member of the eDIH Vilnius consortium, advances digital transformation in healthcare by gathering high-quality data to improve diagnoses and personalised interventions. Their key areas include telemedicine, clinical trials, international collaboration, and digital training, with expertise in AI, cybersecurity, and medical device manufacturing.
Digital Health in Lithuania, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Since 2008, Lithuania has developed the Digital Health system, which features a National Health Information Exchange platform and various e-services like E-prescriptions, E-referrals and others. Patient health records are centralised and accessible through a patient portal, ensuring seamless access for healthcare providers and pharmacies. Interestingly, online medication purchases and delivery have become highly efficient, with 70,000 bookings processed automatically each month. Lithuania is among few European countries that have adopted the Law on Secondary Use of Health Data, which regulates the process of using health data suitable for repeated use, while ensuring the right to privacy and protection of personal data.
Association LithuaniaBio
Established in 2003, LithuaniaBIO unites institutions in Lithuania’s life sciences and biotechnology sector to enhance the role of biotechnology in the economy. The life sciences sector is one of the priority sectors of the Lithuanian economy, currently accounting for around 2.6% of the country’s GDP. Lithuania’s goal is to reach 5% of the GDP generated by the life sciences industry by 2030.
Baltic Sandoz Ventures
Baltic Sandoz Ventures seeks future heroes in Life Sciences and DeepTech. They invest in early-stage R&D-focused teams tackling complex technical challenges with high commercial potential. Simplifying access to data in collaboration with the State Data Agency has empowered innovators to better understand regulations and accelerate medical breakthroughs.
Centre of Innovative medicine
The Centre of Innovative Medicine (IMC) is a State Research Institute and part of the national Biobank, and a member of BBMRI ERIC. IMC translates fundamental science into clinically relevant knowledge and strategies, performing research at all levels and collaborating with over 60 countries.
Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University (VU LSC)
The Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University (VU LSC), also a representative of Lithuania at EMBL, runs research focused on biodiversity, ecosystems, chemical engineering, biotechnology, biomolecule structure, genome editing, disease mechanisms, and biomarkers, with publications in top journals like Nature and Science. They run 38 large projects and have well-equipped labs, including a dedicated lab for training high school teachers in life sciences. Collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics, by providing both financial and intangible support in terms of knowledge and expertise.
The aim of the Vilnius Santaros Klinikos Biobank is to provide the Lithuanian and foreign scientific and industrial community with access to large volumes of standardised and structured samples of human biological material in order to expand fundamental knowledge of various diseases and to optimize and improve the diagnosis or treatment of diseases.
Center for physical sciences and technology (FTMC)
The Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) aims to generate and capitalize scientific knowledge for societal benefit and high-tech development by carrying out fundamental and applied research as well as experimental investigations. The center hosts various engineering-focused labs, including a laser/optics lab using super-fast cameras for eye imaging and an electrobiochemistry lab with lab-on-a-chip devices for experiments with organoids and cancer cells.
You will find more information about Study visit experience here.
Contact: dr. Monika Cvetkov,, Technology park Ljubljana
Ljubljana, 3.7.2024
Stakeholders Mapping
Over the initial six months, the consortium partners undertook a comprehensive mapping analysis of the ecosystem pertaining to the health sector through which more than 70 stakeholders actively in the health sector were identified. To gather the data, at the consortium level was designed and disseminated within the partners ecosystems. This survey served as a vital tool for collecting insights, perspectives, and crucial information directly from the stakeholders themselves. Through structured questions and targeted outreach efforts, the partners engaged with stakeholders across the quadruple helix, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem’s dynamics.
List of stakeholders
# | Organization and country |
Austria |
1 | MIC Audio Solutions |
2 | Cancom Austria AG |
3 | Anritsu EMEA |
4 | Quickticket GmbH |
5 | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology |
6 | Black Tusk GmbH |
7 | Geriatric health centres of the city of Graz |
8 | Predicting Health |
10 | medaia GmbH |
11 | LebensGroß GmbH |
Germany |
12 | Steinbeis 2i |
Hungary |
14 | Hospitaly Kft |
15 | SolvElectric Technologies Ltd. |
16 | B Braun Medical Kft – R&D Department |
17 | Histopathology Ltd. |
18 | Óbuda University |
19 | Dent-Art-Technik Kft. |
20 | GS1 Hungary Nonprofit Ltd |
21 | Scientific Associaton for Mechanical Engineering |
22 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
23 | Association of Medical Devices Manufecturers (AMDM Hungary) |
24 | SAASCO Ltd. |
25 | Hungarian Innovation Agency |
27 | PREMET Ltd. |
28 | Ministry of Public Administration and Spatial Developement |
29 | Pannon Business Network |
30 | MEDICOR Elektronika Zrt. |
Lithuania |
31 | UAB Memel Biotech |
32 | Nacionalinis maisto ūkio klasteris, asociacija |
33 | Centre for Innovative Medicine |
34 | Innosensus, JSC |
35 | Innovative Diagnostics Center, Ltd |
36 | Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University |
37 | Saide Ltd |
38 | LithuaniaBIO association |
39 | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
40 | Smart Health DIH, VsI |
Poland |
41 | play.air Prosta Spółka Akcyjna |
42 | AGZ Development Institute |
43 | Forum e-Zdrowia |
44 | SensDx SA |
46 | SOFTGENT Sp. z o.o. |
47 | CODE:ME Foundation |
48 | Kainos Poland |
49 | Integra AV Sp. z o.o. |
50 | KOMA NORD Sp. z o.o. |
51 | Foundation for Research and Development of Socio-Economic Thought |
52 | Fundacja Innovnexum |
53 | Gdańsk University of Technology |
54 | RO-SZ Dent Sp. z o.o. |
55 | Medical University of Gdańsk |
56 | Rafkonsulting Rafał Czarnecki |
Romania |
57 | Municipality of Cluj-Napoca |
58 | Babes-Bolyai University |
59 | University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova |
61 | North West Regional Development Agency |
62 | 20Robots Technologies |
63 | Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy |
64 | M-TEchX EU |
65 | Cora SRL |
Slovakia |
66 | Aston ITM |
67 | Regional Development Agency Senec-Pezinok |
68 | iERP Solutions s.r.o. |
69 | Devhric s.r.o. |
70 | CLINITRIA, s.r.o. |
71 | SAHIB s.r.o. |
72 | klinický logopéd, s.r.o. |
Slovenia |
73 | Ripitz inovacije d.o.o. |
74 | Lifease d.o.o. |
75 | Wepik |
76 | University of Maribor; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (UM FERI) |
77 | Gen Studio, Damjana Pangerčič s.p. |
78 | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia – ICT Association – SRIP GoDigital |
79 | Pomurje technology park |
80 | Faces of digital health |
81 | Roche Farmacevtska družba d.o.o. |
82 | Centrum cognitio ltd. |
83 | COBIK |
84 | Jožef Stefan Institute |
85 | Deva Group d.o.o. |