Ongoing Projects

DIGISET: Digital Growth Initiatives for Social Economy Transformation

The project focuses on aiding social economy organizations, particularly social SMEs and enabling organizations, in their digitalization journey, with a specific emphasis on AI, data, and new business models. Collaborative efforts among social SMEs, digital SMEs, and social economy enabling organizations will drive mutual learning and support, fostering enhanced digital skills and social impact.

The initiative unites social SMEs and digital SMEs, with partners across multiple countries, the project addresses the seven transition pathways, emphasizing peer-to-peer learning, transnational capacity buildings, webinars, and provides comprehensive support for digital transformation, technological accessibility, and skill development within the social economy sector, ultimately driving positive societal change through magnifying its impact thanks to innovation and digitalization.


Digital4Sustainability will focus on fast-tracking the Digital & Green Transition within the ICT sector and throughout European Industry, helping companies to adopt advanced digital technologies to achieve their sustainability goals.

The project’s goal is to design a new Digital Sustainability Skills Strategy and an innovative Training Programme that will provide companies with the advanced digital and green skills they need to build concrete ESG initiatives that deliver real results.

Digital4Sustainability project is an Erasmus + Partnerships for Innovation Funded project.

SKILLAB: Monitoring The Demand And Supply Of Skills In The European Labour Market

A European consortium of 10 organisations from Greece, Romania, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, and Cyprus has launched SKILLAB: Monitoring The Demand And Supply Of Skills In The European Labour Market, a project funded by the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovations Actions (RIA). 

SKILLAB partners include academic institutions, use case providers, and technology providers. The project involves designing and implementing an intelligent platform using data analysis, machine learning and competency mining to provide a knowledge base for recommendation tools to develop skill strategies for enterprises and individuals.


An initiative that’s set to reshape the healthcare landscape through international collaboration and innovation. This unique project leverages the Quadruple Helix Model of Innovation, uniting industry, academia, government, and civil society to drive change and elevate the healthcare sector.

Our 9-country-based partnership is dedicated to excellence in medical devices, emergency equipment, and MDR compliance, with the aim of enhancing healthcare efficacy, improving patient outcomes, and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical products.

CapTTict: Enhancing capacities for technology transfer, company building and innovations in the field of ICT

Cluj IT Cluster is a consortium partner of the new CapTTict project, which has been funded within 1st call of the Interreg Danube program of the 2021-2027 programming period. Implementation of the new project started on January1st, 2024.

The project will support  technological and knowledge transfer in nine countries – Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania and Ukraine. The core of the project is the search for new synergies, cooperation and exchange of experience between innovators in individual countries, while the project will provide supporting services for developing business plans in the field of technology transfer and commercialization. Important part of the project is the creation of an incubation/acceleration program – ICT Danube Digital Accelerator, which will support over 30 promising technologies. At the same time, the project will enable access and interlinks of innovative activities and experts in an international environment through the digital tool EXPERTS.AI. Another important part of the project is mapping the innovation environment in the field of ICT in 4 partner countries outside the EU, while supporting the development of their S3 strategies.

Within the framework of CapTTict implementation, Cluj IT will be coordinating scheduled activities under the Enhance capacities for technology transfer at HEIs/public research organisation objective. Establishing new contacts and cooperation within the international environment will also be a valuable contribution of the project.

DIH4Society brings together and coordinates a complex ecosystem led by 4 consortium partners (Cluj IT Cluster, Technical University Cluj-Napoca, University Oradea and Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita-Nasaud).

Over 50 relevant actors participate the associated network (technology solution providers, universities, research centres,  cluster initiatives, chambers of commerce and industry, EEN members, SME associations, education and business development services, banks and financing actors. Through the project we maintain active collaborations with public administrations and the NW Regional Development Agency.

A total public funding of almost 4 million EUR has been secured through the direct grant from the EC under the Digital Europe Programme (grant n. 101083952 — DIH4Society) and the co-funding received from the Romanian state under POCIDIF (Project DIH4Society SMIS 161824 – POCIDIF/1147/2/1/Action 2.4 EDIH). This gives SMEs, public authorities and healthcare organizations the opportunity to receive for free specialized services to support innovation and digital transformation (eligibility requirements apply).

Digital Innovation Hub for a Smart, Safe, Sustainable Society

 DESIRE Eurocluster

DESIRE Eurocluster – Development of E-Health Solutions Improving Resilience in Europe – is addressing the challenges that the SMEs is facing when accessing the European e-health and digital health market in order to build resilience and facilitate the green and digital transition.

RE-CENTRE Eurocluster

RE-CENTRE – cRoss-sEctoral Cluster approach for higher CompEtitiveNess through digiTal, gReen transition and rEsilience. The mission of RE-CENTRE is to support SMEs from the 3 sectors involved – furniture-interiors, IT and energy – in developing new business models and innovation projects for being more competitive and resilient.


BISNet Transylvania, comprising seven organizations in the Central and Northwest regions, is funded by the European Commission through the Small and Medium Enterprise Competitiveness Program (COSME) to provide business and innovation support services promoted under the Enterprise Europe Network umbrella.
Cluj IT has been part of the European EEN network since January 2022.
More details about the services offered by Cluj IT and the project partners can be found here: 
* Note, the information is available only in Romanian.