R&D Collaborators
Cluj IT is actively working towards developing and maintaining a close collaboration with experts and academics from the Research, Development and Innovation areas. Cluj IT is the largest innovation ecosystem in the country, with 9 of the most prestigious public universities in Romania members of our organization. Our capacity to create the context for complex and innovative collaboration makes us unique.
Cluj IT’s network of R&D collaborators, academics and experts represents a building block that allows us to facilitate and support open communication, cooperation and development between actors of the quadruple helix model (business, research and innovation, public authorities and communities).

Mihaela Aluas
Senior Researcher, Babes Bolyai University
Mihaela holds a PhD in natural science with specialisation on polymer physics and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). She is interested in bridging the academic and R&D with the social-economic environment with the aim to contribute to the introduction and uptake of new and innovative products and services.
With an extensive background in management of European projects Mihaela is involved in several Cluj IT activities. Most notably she brings her project management experience to key Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe projects with a special focus on technology transfer, namely GALATEA Blue Growth Accelerator and SKILLAB. Complementary, Mihaela’s skillset embeds design and operational overview of the cluster’s flagship event: Cluj Innovation Days.

Florin Paun
Innovation Architect & Technology Scouting
Innovation director, entrepreneurship coach and theoretician of the evolution of the innovation models and tools for practice. His scientific work gained worldwide recognition and put in light the emergence of a new innovation French model but also completed the theories of two Nobel Prize Winners (Stiglitz, J., Sen. A) after having applied and adapted them to the highly collaborative processes like innovation. Currently entrepreneur and Business Angel, Dr. Florin Paun is a founder of the Start-up and CELIDEA Consultancy. Dr. Paun teaches his own innovation methods in International MBA and Master programmes at ISAE, Ecole de l’Air, ENAC, ESEO, Toulouse Business School. His strategies and tools aim to support the creation of the shared value between research laboratories, SMEs, multinationals, clusters and regions.

Dacian C. Dragos
Law Professor, Babes Bolyai University
Dacian C. DRAGOS is a Law Professor at the Babes Bolyai University specialized in Public Procurement Law and Policy. His research publications include 4 edited international books, over 50 Chapters in international books, 5 books in Romanian as a single author, and 4 in collaboration, over 80 papers in scientific journals. He is a permanent collaborator with the IT Cluster for research projects on Sustainable Procurement for the IT Sector, for the organization of the annual Cluj Innovation Days Conference. Within SAPIENS – a Marie Curie Network International Training Network, a research grant financed by the European Commission, the Babes Bolyai University and the IT Cluj Cluster will be hosting in Cluj two international Ph.D. researchers that will study Innovation and Sustainable Public Procurement in the IT sector.

Paulina Mitrea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Paulina Mitrea is an IT specialist, with experience both in the IT industry (as a shareholder but also as CEO), as well as in research and academic activity, with internships in prestigious institutes and universities – Universite de la Mediterranee Marseille, University of Plymouth, University of Essex, Polish-Japanesse Academy of IT Technology, etc. He holds a PhD in High Performance Computing and Image Processing, with extensive activity in interdisciplinary research and projects, especially in large-scale Smart City projects.
Current responsibilities and positions: Associate Professor Doctor in Computer Science and Mathematics, Shareholder and Technical Director SC SOFTWARE ITC CLUJ SA – GOLD Member of the Cluju IT Cluster, Brained City / Cluj IT Group Coordinator, Smart City Unit Leader – DIH4S Cluj IT, ASAIA Vice President (Association for the Science and Application of Artificial Intelligence), Member of ASRO and Member of the European Committee for Standardization in the field of Smart and Sustainable Cities.

Adrian Colesa
Associate Professor, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Adrian Coleșa is associate professor at Computer Science (CS) Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN), where he has been working since 1998. He coordinates the master programe “Information and Computing System Security” offered by the CS Department since 2015. He teaches “Operating Systems”, “Operating System Design”, “Secure Coding, and “Hardware and Virtualization Based Security”. He has been cooperated since 2013 with the company Bitdefender on cybersecurity-related research projects. His research interests are in the field of virtualization-based security and trusted execution environments.

Bogdan Cretu
Digital Transformation Expert
Senior executive in business consulting. Experienced in digital maturity audit, digital transformation preparation & training, project management, process improvement, and GRC.

Ciprian Oprisa
Technical Univerity of Cluj-Napoca: Lecturer (Șef Lucrări) Bitdefender: Senior Team Lead
Ciprian Oprișa is a Lecturer at the Computer Science department at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and a Senior Team Lead in the Cyber Threat Intelligence Lab at Bitdefender. He worked in the security field for more than 10 years and he holds a PhD in Computer Science and Information Technology with a thesis on applying machine learning techniques for solving security issues. He joined Cluj IT as a member of the GEIGER project, trying to bring cybersecurity closer to small and micro enterprises.

Andrei Nistor
Stirile Transilvaniei