It is one of the 10 cross-sectoral Euroclusters co-funded by EISMEA under the Single Market Programme.
The mission of RE-CENTRE is to support SMEs from the 3 sectors involved – furniture-interiors, IT and energy – in developing new business models and innovation projects for being more competitive and resilient.
There are 4 clusters involved: CSM-DID Italy, AMBIT [Living Spaces Cluster] Spain, CLUJ IT Cluster Romania and Green Synergy Cluster Bulgaria.
20 November 2024
RE-CENTRE Training: Navigating the NIS2 Directive (in Romanian)
Pe 11 decembrie 2024, alături de Andrei Ghiciac și Marius Corîci, membri ai comunității Cluj IT și specialiști cu experiență extinsă în domeniul securității cibernetice, vom explora împreună prevederile Directivei NIS2 adoptată la 14 decembrie 2022 și intrată în vigoare la 16 ianuarie 2023.
Pentru asigurarea protecției datelor clienților, și implicit a propriilor activități de afaceri, este esențial ca organizațiile din industriile critice să cunoască cerințele acestei directive și să demareze pregătirea pentru implementarea sa atunci când va fi transpusă în legislația națională.
Compania ta activează în sectorul de energie, cel bancar sau al sănătății, infrastructură digitală sau gestionarea serviciilor ITC business to business?
Dacă răspunsul este DA, afacerea ta este încadrată într-un sector cu o importanță critică ridicată conform proiectului de lege NIS2 propus de Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică.
Afla cum poți gestiona prevederile Directivei NIS2 în compania ta, detalii despre contextul actual la nivel național și studii de caz din România, categoriile de organizații critice căreia se aplică prevederile directivei, și nu în ultimul rând cerințele tehnice și organizatorice ale acesteia.
✅ Participarea este condiționată de înregistrarea prin formular:
În plus, participanții înregistrați prin formular vor primi Ghidul de Implementare a Directivei NIS2, elaborat de HoundBytes, membru SILVER al Cluj IT.
21 August 2024
RE-CENTRE Newsletter no. 3 is launched
12 July 2024
RE-CENTRE open call for financial support for participation of SMEs in B2B meetings with entities from Mexico and Chile
At least 3 Vouchers left for internationalization
The RE-CENTRE project:
RE-CENTRE is an EUROCLUSTERS project that supports SMEs from the three sectors involved (traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration.
The main objective of this open call is to financially support SMEs from the three sectors involved in RE-CENTRE and of the 27 EU and non EU countries of the SMP to participate in a B2B meeting and to sign a cooperation agreement envisioning international trade, investment and partnering with an entity in Mexico or Chile.
Applicant: SME of the following sectors: furniture & living / IT / green/circular economy and of the 27 EU or non EU countries of the SMP.
Funded activity: SME participation in a B2B meeting (online or in person) and signature of a cooperation agreement envisioning international trade, investment and partnering with an entity in Mexico or Chile.
Financial support: 250 EUR grant paid as lump sum for SME (3 SMEs in total will be supported). Each interested SME can participate in one proposal.
Where to apply: Submit your application on
When to apply: Call re-opened from 12.07.2024 (midnight) to 12.09.2024 (17:00 h CET)
Evaluation process:
This is a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED open call for proposals. The call is open for two months, starting July 12th 2024. However, the RE-CENTRE consortium retains the option to close the open call ahead of schedule if the budget is meanwhile depleted. Eligible applicants that will be selected will be contacted directly with a formal confirmation. Subsequent applications will be included in a reserve list and will be contacted if previously selected applicants withdraw from the call. The call will be closed once the available amount is awarded.
At least 1 voucher is reserved for SMEs registered in EU countries, except Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain
Implementation: The activity (MoU signing) must be carried out after the submission of the application and within 60 days from the receipt of the selection result
SMEs can carry out physical or online b2b meetings in order to reach the goal of signing at least 1 MoU with 1 potential partner in one of the 2 targeted countries (Mexico and Chile).
Payment: To receive the payment, the required supporting documentation (signed MOU, short report about the activity, SME form and GDPR agreement) must be presented in maximum 60 days after the receipt of the selection result. Payment will be made in a maximum of 30 days.
20 June 2024
RE-CENTRE publishes a compilation of the 20 Innovation Projects financed under the Eurocluster
The 20 projects are being developed by partnerships made up of a minimum of two SMEs, 41 SMEs in total from 7 EU countries, from at least two of the three sectors of RE-CENTRE (furnishings, digital and green). All projects started on September 15, 2023 and have a maximum duration of 12 months.
RE-CENTRE is an EUROCLUSTERS project that supports SMEs from the three sectors involved (traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration.
5 February 2024
RE-CENTRE open call for financial support for participation of SMEs in B2B meetings with entities from Mexico and Chile
The RE-CENTRE project:
RE-CENTRE is an EUROCLUSTERS project that supports SMEs from the three sectors involved (traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration.
The main objective of this open call is to financially support SMEs from the three sectors
involved in RE-CENTRE and of the 27 EU and non EU countries of the SMP to participate in a B2B
meeting and to sign a cooperation agreement envisioning international trade, investment and
partnering with an entity in Mexico or Chile.
Applicant: SME of the following sectors: furniture & living / IT / green/circular economy and of the 27 EU or non EU countries of the SMP.
Funded activity: SME participation in a B2B meeting (online or in person) and signature of a cooperation agreement envisioning international trade, investment and partnering with an entity in Mexico or Chile.
Financial support: 250 EUR grant paid as lump sum for SME (40 SMEs will be supported,
10.000 €). Each interested SME can participate in one proposal.
Where to apply: submit your application on
When to apply: call open from 05.02.2024 (07:00 h CET) to 31.05.2024 (17:00 h CET)
Evaluation process: Ongoing open call with 3 cut-off dates, with applications evaluated and
funded on a “first come first served” basis, if they comply to the call requirements and eligibility criteria, for each cut-off date (04.04.2024 at 17:00 CET / 06.05.2024 at 17:00 CET and 31.05.2024 at 17:00 CET).
Implementation: the activity (B2B meeting & MOU signing) must be carried out after the submission of the application and within 60 days from the receipt of the selection result.
Payment: to receive the payment, the required supporting documentation (signed MOU, short report about the activity, SME form and GDPR agreement) must be presented in maximum 60 days after the receipt of the
selection result. Payment will be made in a maximum of 30 days.
RE-Centre Eurocluster – Press Note on Project Meeting
8 November 2023
RE-Centre Eurocluster – 20 winning projects
8 September 2023
First Figures of the RE-CENTRE Open Call – ADOPT PROCESSES & TECHNOLOGIES – From Ideas to Proof of Concepts
First overview statistics of the RE-CENTRE Open Call
We are glad to share the first statistics of the Innovation Open Call of the RE-CENTRE Eurocluster.
95 applicants from 9 Single Market Programme countries

We see an intensive presence of the ecosystems of the four countries represented by the RE-CENTRE consortium partners, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain. Nevertheless, we are glad to see other five countries present, as a result of the dissemination actions done through the Eurocluster network and the other business networks in which the consortium is active.
The three RE-CENTRE target sector are homogeneously represented

The distribution of SMEs activity sectors over the various countries shows a high level of diversity, with partners teaming up in all cross- sectorial combinations for projects.

Among the consortia, 17% are cross-border partnerships.

We thank all applicants for their interest and for the efforts made to apply and we look forward to seeing the most innovative proposals contributing to the green and digital transition of SMEs, for their organizational development and business resilience.
What you need to know
The main aim of the project is to provide direct financial support for the development of new business models and innovative projects to SMEs in the 3 targeted sectors: interior design and furniture production – green energy and circular economy sector – IT sector.
Consortia of at least 2 SMEs from at least 2 different sectors will benefit from direct support through sub-grants amounting to EUR 52 000 / project, without co-financing. Applications can be submitted under one of two main strands:
- Adoption of new collaborative models based on business process innovation.
- Adoption of new collaborative models based on the integration of green and/or digital technologies.

Call for projects timeline
Open call to be launched on 18th of April 2023. More information will be available shortly.
For regular updates regarding the project activities and Open Call documentation please access the page indicated above.
General Information about RE-Centre
With a cascade funding budget of 1,05 M EUR direct support to SMEs, the planned activities include:
- Open Call Vouchers for Innovation! —> 20 collaboration projects to be funded (min. 40 companies) for innovation on digital and green topics – allocated budget of 1,04 M EUR
- Vouchers for internationalization! —> 40 SMEs to be supported exploring Mexico and Chile through b2b meetings – allocated budget of 10 K EUR
- Training sessions for clusters and SMEs staff for upskilling
Cluj IT – RE-Centre implementation partner
In these 3 initiatives, Cluj IT Cluster’s role and contribution expands over the entire range of Euroclusters’ specific topics:
- Network for resilience to improve the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems by developing value chains interlinkages in the EU Single Market;
- Innovate for strategic autonomy to build capacity in the most critical supplies and technologies of their ecosystems;
- Adopt processes and technologies to reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy;
- Train to foster up- and re-skilling of the workforce whilst attracting talents;
- Go international to boost access to global supply and value chains.
Cluj IT Cluster stays true to its mission of creating and enabling ecosystems which allow the development of innovative solutions, software services and products with high value added that are marked through the following points:
- close collaboration between the cluster’s members and with external partners,
- exchange of knowledge and ideas,
- public-private partnership and support of research.
Our efforts are calibrated so that they generate benefits across ecosystem organizations and has also an impact upon the society as a whole. This goal requires focused actions in identifying opportunities and resources necessary for a real impact in the real economy. Therefore, Cluj IT Cluster has joined forces and resources with international partners and is now an active member of three Eurocluster consortia, created to build resilience and accelerate digital and green transition, within a wider and complex network of 30 Euroclusters that are active in various sectors.
Through the 3 projects, more than 3 Million EUR will be available as direct financial support to innovative SMEs. We are grateful for the support offered by the European Commission and for the implementation of the updated industrial strategy, through these cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and trans-European strategic Joint Cluster Initiatives.
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